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  与拉斯维加斯的夜店富二代Cy Waits交往已有一年的时间的希尔顿表示,想要生活有一些变化。据报道,帕里斯曾经在2002年时曾经与男模Jason Shaw定下婚约后,又在2005年和希腊船舶业大亨的公子Paris Latsis传出绯闻,称有结婚计划,无奈两段情均为镜花水月。而在去年的这个时候,这位大小姐又叫着嚷着地要嫁给时任男友棒球运动员Doug Reinhardt。然而对于有传闻表示她即将于Cy Waits一事,希尔顿没有正面回应,只是称,“去年我还没有结婚的打算,目前我和男友的感情发展非常顺利,我可以预见我们会有非常幸福的将来,是他让我意识到了什么才叫真爱。”



Paris Hilton turns 30 next month, and even though approaching the milestone age is "scary" it makes her feel more ready than ever to settle down and start a family.

When asked whether she wanted to start making such changes in her life, Paris -- who has been dating Las Vegas club mogul Cy Waits for almost a year -- said: "Yeah definitely! I’d love that."

Though Paris admits it is “scary” to reach 30, she is throwing her energy into organizing birthday celebrations.

She said: “We’re planning a lot of big parties around it. I’m so excited!”

Paris -- who was engaged to Jason Shaw in 2002 and then to Paris Latsis in 2005 -- also said she couldn't "keep track" of "rumors going around" that she is already planning to marry Cy.

This time last year Paris said she wanted to get married to her then-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt.

She said: "I wouldn't rule out a wedding in 2010. With how amazing everything is going between us, I see a very bright and happy future. He's taught me how real love can feel."

The couple split shortly after, reportedly because she was worried the Hills star was using her to further his career.



