
肠子都悔青了:十年之后才发现 自己跟明星谈过恋爱!

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Celebrities - they were just like us, and these people have the photos to prove it. There is a nostAlgic joy that comes from looking through old photo albums and seeing what your family was up to back in the day. Well, as the people on this list discovered their family was hanging out with some pretty spectacular talent - they just didn't know it yet.

肠子都悔青了:十年之后才发现 自己跟明星谈过恋爱!


This list is a collection of photos of people who were either in the same circle as, friends with or even dating some of the biggest stars out there before anyone even knew their name. Imagine finding out that that old familiar face you used to call 'aunt' or 'uncle' when you were a kid belonged to someone with an academy award? Scroll down below to see some photos of everyday people with some pretty famous names. And don't forget to upvote your favs!


1.My Mom Dated Adam Sandler In High School. Here Are Her Prom Pics

我妈妈读高中的时候跟Adam Sandler谈过恋爱。上图是她在毕业舞会上照的照片。

2.So My Mom Dated Matt Le Blanc And She Finally Found A Picture Of Them

我妈妈跟Matt Le Blanc谈过恋爱,她好不容易才找到一张他们俩的合影。

3.Just Found These Pics Of Leo With My Family... (He Dated My Aunt)


4.Found Michelle Obama In My Uncle's Yearbook

在我叔叔的同学录里找到了Michelle Obama的身影。

5.When My Aunt Dated Jamie Foxx And We Called Him Uncle Jami

当年我姑姑跟Jamie Foxx谈过恋爱,那时我们叫他Jami叔叔。

6.My Grandpa And The Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) 1945 He Dated Her And Was An Fbi Suspect

我爷爷与“黑色大丽花”(Elizabeth Short)1945年的合影。他跟她约会,他的身份是联邦调查局间谍。

7.Cousin Dated Matthew Mcconaughey In College

我表哥读大学的时候跟Matthew Mcconaughey谈过恋爱。

8.My Aunt Knew Bradley Cooper In College, Before He Was Famous

我姑姑读大学的时候认识Bradley Cooper,当时他尚未出名。

9.My Mom Was Childhood Friends With John Travolta And We Found A Photo Of My Nana And Him After One Of His Shows When He Did Theatre! Look At The 70s Hair...

我祖母和John Travolta是童年好友。后来他开始演戏剧,这是他的一场戏剧之后我奶奶和他的合影!看这70年代的流行发型……

10.So My Mom Decides To Tell Me She Dated John Legend Secretly When I Was 10???

事到如今我妈妈才决定告诉我,她跟 John Legend谈过恋爱,在我十岁的时候!

11.My Aunt Dated Ashton Back When He Was Young, So I Thought I’d Take This Time To Let Everybody Else Know About My Family Treasure


12.So My Mom Dated Woody Harrelso

我妈妈和Woody Harrelso谈过恋爱。

13.My Aunt Dated Jimmy Fallon

我姑姑和Jimmy Fallon谈过恋爱。

14.My Sister Used To Date Usher In High School And She Is Just Now Telling Me


15.My Wife Used To Date "The Fonz" (Henry Winkler) In The Late 70's

70年代那会儿我妻子曾经和电视剧《方兹与快乐帮》的主演(Henry Winkler)谈过恋爱。

16.My Uncle Is Good Friends With Queen Latifah

我叔叔和Queen Latifah是好朋友。

17.My Friend's Parents Used To Be Friends With Drake's Parents. She Found This Picture And Realized Who The Kid Was (1989)


18.My Friend's Parents Used To Be Friends With Drake's Parents. She Found This Picture And Realized Who The Kid Was (1989)


19.Back When Ariana Grande And I 'Dated' And Did Theater Together

想当年Ariana Grande和我谈过恋爱,我俩还一起演过戏剧。

20.My Auntie & Tupac Used To Mess Also


21. I Just Found Out A Friend Of Mine Went To High School With Zac Efron. He Pulled Out His Yearbook As Proof

我刚发现我的一个朋友和Zac Efron谈过恋爱。他拿出自己的同学录作为证据。

22.Turns Out My Mom Dated Josh Hartnet In High School

我发现我妈妈读高中的时候跟Josh Hartnet谈过恋爱。



