
北美人就这么说:第3课 面试 3

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北美人就这么说:第3课 面试-3


A: Hello, Mr. Brown. How are you today?
B: I’m very well, thank you.
A: that’s good to hear. Shall we get started? I see from your application form that you’ve worked as a maintenance man for over 7 years.
B: yes, that’s true.
A: what kind of work did you do?
B: I fixed many kinds of machine tools such as milling machines, grinders, welders, etc. I also repaired other things such as vacuums, toilets, locks, etc. I also did some electrical work. I took some courses about electrical systems.
A: That’s good. What kind of electrical work did you do?
B: I took care of commercial and residential coolers and heaters. I fixed many kinds of power failure problems. Some co-workers and I even rewired part of a building.
A: well, your work experience sounds good for the job we have open. Now tell me about the best job you’ve ever had, please.
B: the best job? What do you mean?
A: like the job you feel the most proud of.
B: I think my favorite job so far was when I worked for Linarma. It was hard work but the people on my job crew were great to work with. We really worked as a team. I enjoy working with those people.
A: Tell me something about a time when you did something well, something you feel proud of.
B: I fixed a big problem with a machine and saved a lot of money for the factory. I got bonus for it.
A: that’s great. No wonder you feel proud of that. Now let me ask you another question.
B: Go ahead, please.
A: in all the jobs you’ve had, what was it you disliked the most?
B: wow, this question is hard to answer. I don’t think I’ve ever had a job that I really disliked. But I dislike work that is monotonous, always the same from day to day. I like to move around and do different things.
A: all right. Do you have any questions?
B: no. I can’t think of any right now.
A: you’ll hear from us by the end of this week.
B: thank you very much. I’m looking forward to hearing from you about this job.

A: 你好,布朗先生。今天感觉如何?
B: 我非常好,谢谢。
A: 那就好。我们可以开始了吗?从你的申请表来看,你已经做维修工7年了。
B: 是的。正是那样。
A: 你做过什么维修?
B: 我修理过很多种机器设备。比如,铣床、磨床、焊机等等。我还修理过其他东西,如吸尘器、厕所、锁等等。我还做过一些电工的活。我曾学过电工的课程。
A: 哪好啊。你做过哪方面的电工工作?
B: 我承担过商业的和居民的冰箱和空调的修理工作,排除过多种断电故障。我和其他人合作改装过一座楼的部分电路。
A: 嗯,听起来你的工作经历适合我们的工作需要。请你谈谈你曾经做过的最好的工作。
B: 最好的工作?您的意思是什么?
A: 你感到最自豪的。
B: 到目前为止,我认为我特别喜欢的工作就是我在丽娜玛工作的时候。虽然工作很苦,但是我和我的工友们配合很好。我们真的像一支团队。我愿意和那些人一起工作。
A: 和我谈谈你做得很出色的、让你感到骄傲的工作。
B: 我排除过一台机器的大故障,为厂里省了很多钱。为此,我还得到了奖金。
A: 那好极了。怪不得你感到自豪。现在我来问你另一个问题。
B: 请讲。
A: 在所有你做过的工作中,你最不喜欢的是什么?
B: 哇,这个问题很难回答。我想我从来没有不喜欢过我做的工作。但是我不喜欢做一些单调的、每天总一样的工作。我喜欢做一些不同的事情。
A: 好的,你还有什么问题要问我吗?
B: 没有,我暂时没有问题。
A: 这个周末,我们会给你结果的。
B: 非常感谢。我期待着听到关于这份工作的消息。


