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What do you need from me?


“This Allows your friend to think about and tell you what they need. Many people’s initial reaction when someone is having a difficult time is to give advice but that might not actually be helpful. If they ask for advice, then go for it because they’re seeking it themselves.” ― Amanda Stemen

“这样提问可以让你的朋友思考,然后告诉你他/她的需求。许多人的第一反应就是当别人在经历困难的时候就会给予建议,而这样做也许不能真正地帮助到别人。如果他们寻求建议,然后你就给予建议吧,因为他们正需要这些。”——Amanda Stemen

I have faith in you.


“Whenever career setbacks occur, it’s nice to be reminded of one’s ability to bounce back. Point out past resilience, successes in overcoming obstacles ― and their great decision-making abilities overall.” ― Lynn Taylor

“不管何时事业出现了倒退的现象,这是很好的迹象,提醒着你的能力在下降。指出过去的韧性,成功地清除障碍——以及他们的良好做决定的能力。”——Lynn Taylor

How can I help?


“Even if your friend is not sure what they need or how you can help, asking is still a way to communicate your support. Simply put, these phrases can be nice to hear. You can also initiate support by offering to introduce them to people in your network, accompanying them to a networking event or job fair or offering to be a future job reference.” ― Tara Griffith

“即使你的朋友不确定自己需要什么或你怎么样才能帮助他们,你能询问他们仍然是一个表达你的支持的方法。很简单地说,这些话语会让人听起来很舒服。你还可以通过介绍你的一些联系人为他们给予帮助,陪伴他们参与社交活动或求职会或者给予一份将来工作的推荐。”——Tara Griffith

What NOT to say:


Everything happens for a reason. 


“Or ‘When one door closes another one opens,’ or other cliche phrases about how their job loss was meant to be. While you may believe them to be true, your friend likely isn’t ready to hear this yet. Instead, provide a listening ear and acknowledge their experience without rushing to find the silver lining.” ― Tara Griffith

“或‘一扇门关了,另一扇门开了’,或别的认为失业是必然的陈词滥调。虽然你相信那些话都是真理,但是你的朋友并不怎么想听。与其那样,倒不如好好聆听,认可他们的经历而不是急于找到黑暗中的一线希望。”——Tara Griffith

That's horrible news!


“No drama — you want to be calm and low-key. Try to diffuse tension, not rekindle it.” ― Lynn Taylor

“不要戏剧的成分——你要保持冷静和低调。尝试降低紧张的情绪,而不是再次激起。”——Lynn Taylor

Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find a new job soon.


“The truth is, you cannot predict the future and you have no idea how long it will take your friend to find a new job. Although the intent behind a phrase like this is to provide reassurance and hope, it may actually make them feel worse as time progresses.” ― Tara Griffith

“事实上,你无法预测未来,你也不知道你的朋友多久才能找到新的工作。尽管出发点似乎想要给予肯定与希望,但实际上这只会让他们随着时间的流逝感到越来越难受。”——Tara Griffith

They’ll regret firing you.


“You may share in your friend’s anger, but stoking negative thoughts is counterproductive. Focus their energy on future opportunities — a much healthier and productive choice.” ― Lynn Taylor

“你可能分担了朋友的怒气,但是激发负面的想法也是产生反作用的。你应该专注于把他们的能量转移到未来的工作机会——一个更健康更有创造力的选择。”——Lynn Taylor

Lucky! I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. Enjoy the time off!


“Always avoid making someone’s misfortune about you and your situation and recognize that when someone becomes unemployed, they may have serious and valid concerns related to their ability to provide for themselves and their family. Although it may seem nice to not work for a period of time, keep in mind that unemployment is not a vacation.” ― Tara Griffith

“避免把某人的不幸投放在自己的身上和自己的情况,意识到当某人失业了,他们可能会严肃而真实地担忧自我生存和支撑家庭的能力。尽管停工一阵子对于他们来说还不错,但是请谨记失业不是一次假期。”——Tara Griffith

What are you going to do?


“Your friend is likely feeling enough panic or at least anxiety without having to spell out their job search strategy. In your zeal to be empathetic, still, err on the side of the calm listener and positivity.” ― Lynn Taylor 

“你的朋友很有可能真的很恐慌,至少是忧虑,不敢把他们求职的策略说出来。在你的同情心泛滥的时候,再次说明,在作为冷静聆听者和正能量一面就出错了。”——Lynn Taylor

Things could be worse. At least you have your husband/wife/family to support you.


“While it is probably true that there are people out there who are worse off, phrases like this can feel totally invalidating.” ― Tara Griffith

“虽然这很有可能是真的,有人为失败的人做支撑,但是这样的话只会让人感到毫无用处。”——Tara Griffith



